Name :Red Semi-Sweet Wine: Khvanchkara
Vine sort : 70% Aleqsandrouli, 30% Mujuretuli
Vine Age : 25 years
Vineyard : Khvanchkara is grown in the micro-zone of traditional winemaking, which is one of the best and most interesting regions for making quality semi-sweet red wines. This particular micro-zone has extraordinary soil conditions due to its location on the south slope of the Rioni River’s right bank, in the Ambrolauri region. To achieve this high quality of wine, the regulation of the harvest in the vineyards starts when the grapes are first trimmed.
Vintage : Once the grapes are ripe, the healthy bunches are selectively picked by hand; this takes place in October
Harvest : 5- 6ton on hectare
Technology : The grapes are skinned and the stems are pressed out; this is followed by controlled alcoholic fermentation. The fermented matchari (new wine) is then chilled on -2°C so the remaining saccharine stays in the wine.
Characterization : Khvanchkara is ruby-colored with a reddish shade and glow, which is typical for this particular micro-zone and varietal. It has a distinguishable violet bouquet, and a soft, enjoyable taste. The sweetness of the wine balances harmoniously with the acidity, which pleasantly lingers on the tongue for a while and also demonstrates the wine’s high quality.
Recommendation : The optimal temperature for drinking is 14-16° C.
Khvanchkara can be served as an aperitif, or with dessert.